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Be Connected: Basic Computer (Aitkenvale)

Learn to develop your computer and digital skills!

Class / Group Fee: FREE

Tutor/Facilitator: Malcolm Hall

This group provides an opportunity to be taught about computers from scratch, or refresh skills and learn new things online. New participants are introduced to a basic computer learning program, which they can continue with on their own, or with the help of a mentor at the weekly timeslot. Come along with your questions about your digital device, and we will do our best to find answers for you.

Bookings are essential!

Townsville Location:

  • Address:

    Aitkenvale Library, 4 Petunia St, Aitkenvale


Days and Times:

  • Class Times:
    • Session 1: 9:00am – 10:00am
    • Session 2: 10:00am – 11:00am

Contact Form

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Please let us know your message.