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Vive la France!

Class / Group Fee: $2.00

Tutor/Facilitator: Una Glavin

Do you speak French or would like to revive long lost knowledge of spoken French? If you live or are holidaying on Magnetic Island, you are welcome to join our small group over a cup of coffee or tea. We meet at a local café, talking about everyday life and any topic that comes to mind.

Please note: we don’t teach written French.

Reflections on the French (Magnetic Island) class

The French conversation classes held on Wednesday mornings on Magnetic Island are very helpful, informative and a lot of fun. If you’re planning a trip to France or just love the language, you should give it a try.

Janet Greeley, U3A member since 2017.

Magnetic Island Location:

  • Address:

    Private Residence

Days and Times:

  • Class Times:
    • 8:15 am – 10:30 am

Contact Form

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